
All students in grades K through 8th grade are required to wear a school uniform.
All students in grades 4th through 8th are required to wear a school gym uniform on their gym days.
Purchasing Uniforms
Uniform suppliers include the following:
Spirit Wear
Uniform Exchange
The school and PTO maintain a uniform exchange that all families are invited to use. As students outgrow uniforms, families are encouraged to donate them, and all families are welcome to 'shop' from the exchange at no cost. The uniform exchange stocks gently used skirts, pants, shorts, jumpers, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, and even spirit day apparel. Contact the main office to set up a time to visit the uniform exchange.
Spirit Days
St. Albert has Spirit Days, generally every other Friday. Students can choose to participate in Spirit Days by donating $2/a canned good.
• Students may wear any St. Albert the Great Spirit Wear shirt or athletic shirt. Every shirt must have long or short sleeves. Sleeveless St. Albert athletic jerseys may be worn over a solid green, gold, or white t-shirt.
• Students may also wear solid-color shirts or t-shirts in the school colors of green or gold.
• Any pants/shorts, other than leggings, may be worn as long as they are clean, neat, in good condition, and fit properly.